Thursday, February 25, 2010

20 Minute Headshot

I met Laura in a restaurant and learned she was a dancer. She's Italian and has only been in Chicago for a few months. I feel bad that her only experience so far, is Chicago in the winter--not fun for a sun lover! Anyway, I thought she would be perfect for testing my quick headshot session. It took all of 20 minutes to shoot and we had about 60 images to look at.

So, check out the special offers in March and April. There will be the 20 minute headshot session along with open studio for special all day events. Keep ya posted!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The New StellaLily Website is ready!

Finally, the new website is ready to go. It's been a long time coming but I think it's worth it. Shawnna Rovinsky, web guru / Rovinsky Design, has provided me with a custom site that works with the studio design and all printed material. Can't get that with a template! If you want something unique, want to work with a talented designer, and just need help with putting your ideas together--she's the one I would suggest. Look her up at
Now, back to the site. I have a few things to still do but I couldn't wait for everyone to see it. Please take a look and post your opinions.
I'll leave you with a photo I had the pleasure of taking last week.

Peace, Juana