Friday, November 07, 2008

The Election--Just My Opinion

What, no photos?! That's right. I feel very fortunate to live in Chicago. I took my daughters to the Obama rally in Grant Park and I didn't even take a camera. The reason for no camera was that I wanted to be with and totally present for Stella and Lily. We stood shoulder to shoulder for hours with a sea of people from all over the country and watched history in the making. I cried and so did many other people--even the really big guy just in front of us. I was so proud of our country and I was proud of Chicago with how it accommodated the largest crowd I've ever seen.
Two years ago I photographed Michelle Obama when she was speaking at a luncheon for a Chicago think tank. She spoke of the less fortunate in America in such an eloquent manner that I left that day wishing SHE would run for president. I say it's about time we have someone in the White House who is intelligent and knows how to complete a sentence!
Just my opinion.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Another Senior Portrait

It's cold today in Chicago so I thought I'd share some senior photos taken while it was still warm out. I love the dappled light of the trees and backlight of the bright sunshine. I took the photos in Oz Park next to the high school. The two girls were relaxed and totally into the pics. I think they turned out great!

I'll post some male senior photos next time. Until then--remember to vote!

Friday, October 24, 2008


Need I say more.



Saturday, October 11, 2008

Family Photos

Now is the time to get your holiday photos taken. Don't wait until the last minute! Photos of your family make wonderful long lasting gifts for your loved ones and friends. We now offer all the photos taken at your session put on a CD so that you may print them yourself. Oh, and don't forget to ask about the 10% discount on the sitting fee which already includes an 8X10 print.
I have included a couple of photos from a family photo session shot in the studio. They're regular clients and one of my favs!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


There is a new addition to our family who I'd like to introduce. Her name is Ruby Fay and you may see her in the studio bossing everyone around. We are gearing up for what will be a busy fall season. There is a new and exciting website in the works, we've added a new front desk for that right assistant, and we are putting a line of photo books together. Stop in to say hi to Ruby when you're in the neighborhood.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

TTV of Rogers Park

In the last post I said I was going to take off and go shooting at the beach. Well, here are a few photos of that day. The technique I used to create these photos is called TTV--through the viewfinder. I used my digital camera and shot through another camera. It has such a dreamy quality. I've been using it on portraits and flower photos. This is the first time I used it at the beach.
The location is in Rogers Park, Chicago and only 3 blocks from my house. One of my favorite things to do is take beach chairs with Louis and sit on the pier (with a mimosa!). It really lifts my soul to listen to the waves and feel the breeze off the lake. LOVE IT!
Enjoy my view.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Headshot For Opera Singer

Olga just picked up her discs to take to the printer to get her headshots printed. She was thrilled with the outcome so I thought I'd share her photos.

It's important to have both color AND black & whites to show these days.

I also shot one for myself I'd like to share. It's a profile and not useful for Olga's headshots but after she saw it she has decided to use it for business cards. I find it to be stunning (if I do say so myself) and am very happy with the outcome.

Okay, it's Friday and a beautiful day here in Chicago. I've decided after posting this I'm going to the lake to take a few shots.

Enjoy & peace,

Thursday, July 31, 2008

High School Senior Portraits

I can't believe that the feeling of summer almost being over is forced upon us. It's the last day of July and people are already talking about school starting. Since I have a senior AND a junior in high school I'm feeling the crunch. Summer is my most favorite time of the year and my most creative time as an artist. I love getting out of the studio and photographing what I please. 
Now is the perfect time to get senior pics done. Everyone looks healthy and energized--and I enjoy taking people around the city to capture the summer light. It's a more relaxed time and I think that's what kids are looking for. We can always do the studio shot but a teen wants to show off their own personal style and I'm the person to help them attain that look. 
Take a look at some out-takes from a shoot I just did recently with a senior. She was a joy to work with even on a hot summer day. What a trooper!

Call the studio for information on special senior portrait packages. Check to see if you can become a representative at your school and receive the VIP treatment! 

Enjoy the rest of summer!!!!!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Energizer Baby

This is going to be a short post but I have to share pics of this baby I recently photographed. Normally, when photographing a baby you have a narrow window either between naps or between feedings. I usually take my time and let the baby dictate the pace of the shoot. There have been sessions where the total time of shooting has lasted 15 minutes and then sometimes you get lucky and it can last almost an hour. Well this baby was like the energizer bunny! He kept on going, and going, and going...
The little boy just got his two lower front teeth and was happy to show my assistant and I his smile almost every time we asked.

The short period of time when a baby is able to sit up on their own and when they learn how to walk is a great time to photograph because you are able to hold their attention longer. Even though I certainly don't mind running around after children it's always nice when I can focus my attention on facial expressions and small details.

I was able to use various backgrounds and different vantage points while photographing this little one.

I also make a point to get the family involved in the photographs of the baby. The mother was not expecting to have her picture taken but I insisted and they turned out beautiful.

We ended up getting a TON of photographs of this little energizer baby and after 2 1/2 hours of shooting I had to call it quits. I really think he could have gone on but I was exhausted! Even though it turned out to be a long shoot with many background changes it was so much fun. They got a lot of photos to choose from and I got a lot of wonderful samples. He was great to work with--such a cutie! 



Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Gal Pal Photos

We're going to start this site off with a fun job I recently shot. Jennifer called the studio to inquire about photographing a group of gals she was friends with during school at DePaul University. She saw my photographs in the studio windows while driving by in Lincoln Park (Chicago) and then checked out my website at

Jen scheduled a session with what ended up to be five other gal pals. We negotiated what seemed to be be a fair price for all which included the photo session, online viewing, and two beautifully retouched prints for each person. We later decided it would be fun for the girls to be able to use any image for their Myspace or Facebook.

We started the shoot with a pleasant photo of all the women on a chaise. I made sure I got a nice close-up shot of them together (these are ALWAYS fun to do).

They brought champagne and flowers as props--well the flowers were props--and we had a great time creating memorable photos with some festive poses.

Options, options, options! Bringing different clothing changes the mood and gives more options to choose from in the end. The girls changed for their single shots and I think it showed off their individual beauty and style. Mix it up is the name of the game here and making sure no two person's session look the same. They really delivered and it was such fun for me to work with them. I think it shows in the final product.

And then sometimes I shoot one for myself. One of the women had long straight hair and long thin arms. She had changed into a pretty top that had long linear lines and I thought it looked beautiful in a quiet way. (art talk) Anyway, she was gracious enough to work with me for a few shots before we did her glam photos.

We ended the session with a lot of chatting and laughter. I think they headed out for a night on the town. What a way to start!!!!

I'd love to do more of these so called 'gal pal' party photo sessions. Call or email me if you're interested. Let's face it, it lasts longer than a regular spa night out with your friends.

Hope you enjoyed the first of many entries. I plan on discussing other jobs or projects in upcoming posts. Thanks for participating in the journey!
